

Effective as of September 17, 2020, Zendesk, Inc. (“Zendesk”), and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “Zendesk Group” or “we” or “us” or “our”), have updated our Privacy Policy (“Policy”). For a prior version of our Policy, click here.


  1. 前言
  2. 本政策範圍
  3. 您提供給我們的資訊
  4. 我們在我們網站上從您收集的資訊
  5. 從其他來源收集的資訊
  6. 我們如何使用收集的資訊
  7. 共享收集的資訊
  8. International Transfer of Personal Information
  9. 其他重要的隱私權資訊
  10. 如何行使您的資料保護權利
  11. Children’s Personal Information
  12. 商業交易
  13. 某些地區的補充條款和條件
  14. 本政策的變更
  15. 聯絡我們
  16. 英文版本控制

1. 前言


  1. 造訪我們的網站(如下定義)(「網站訪客」)或要求我們透過線上網路表單與其聯絡的個人;

  2. 註冊使用我們銷售可在 www.zendesk.com 獲取的產品和服務(「服務」)之人,;或者

  3. 參加或註冊參加網路研討會、贊助的活動或 Zendesk 集團參加的其他活動(「出席者」)。

For the purposes of this Policy, the term “Websites” shall refer collectively to www.zendesk.com as well as the other websites that the Zendesk Group operates and that link to this Policy. This Policy describes how the Zendesk Group collects, uses, shares and secures the personal information that you provide. It also describes your choices regarding use, access and correction of your personal information.




  • Zendesk Marketplace,這是一個與某些服務結合使用的隨選網路應用程式線上市場。Zendesk 集團和第三方可在 Zendesk Marketplace 上發布應用程式。當我們發布應用程式且該應用程式連結至本政策時,本政策即適用。當第三方發布應用程式時,則該第三方的隱私權政策將適用。
  • Zendesk 開發人員入口網站,使訂用者可以建立網路應用程式及與我們服務的其他整合。就本政策而言,「訂用者」一詞是指已簽訂服務協議(定義如下)以使用我們服務的個人或實體。

本政策不適用時 – 第三方網站:


本政策不適用時 – 服務資料:

除帳戶資訊(如下定義)及我們在您註冊或認證進入我們的服務時收集的其他資訊外,本政策不適用於與電子資料、文字、訊息、通訊或您提交並儲存在服務中的其他材料(「服務資料」)。這裡所提供我們的主訂用協議或您與 Zendesk 集團任何成員公司簽訂的與您存取和使用此類服務有關的其他適用協議(統稱為「服務協議」)詳述並約束服務資料的安全性和隱私權實務。

Subscribers to our Services are solely responsible for establishing policies for, and ensuring compliance with, all applicable laws and regulations, as well as any and all privacy policies, agreements or other obligations, relating to the collection of personal information in connection with the use of our Services by individuals (also referred to as “data subjects”) with whom our Subscribers interact.

We collect information under the direction of our Subscribers, and have no direct relationship with individuals whose personal information we process in connection with our Subscriber’s use of our Services. The use of information collected through our Services shall be limited to the purpose of providing the service for which Subscribers have engaged a member of the Zendesk Group. If you are an individual who interacts with a Subscriber using our Services (such as a customer or user of one of our Subscribers) and require assistance or would either like to amend your contact information or no longer wish to be contacted by one of our Subscribers that use our Services, please contact the Subscriber that you interact with directly.



We ask for and may collect personal information about you such as your name, address, phone number, email address, instant messaging ID, and credit card information, as well as certain related information like your company name and website name, when you register for an account to access or utilize one or more of our Services (an “Account”). We also ask for and collect personal information such as an email address and a name or alias from any individual that you authorize to log into and utilize our Services in connection with Your Account (an “Agent” or “End-User” as defined in the Service Agreement). We base the processing of your personal information on our legitimate interest, to provide you with the necessary functionality during your use of our Service(s).


We refer to any information described above as “Account Information” for the purposes of this Policy. By voluntarily providing us with Account Information, you represent that you are the owner of such personal information or otherwise have the requisite consent to provide it to us.


We ask for and may collect personal information from you when you submit web forms on our Websites or as you use interactive features of the Websites, including: participation in webinars, surveys, contests, promotions, sweepstakes, requesting customer support, or otherwise communicating with us. We process your personal information to perform our contract with you for the use of our websites and the Service(s) and to fulfill our obligations under the Service Agreement to you; where we have not entered into the Service Agreement with you, we base the processing of your personal information on our legitimate interest to operate and administer our websites and to provide you with the content you access and request.


We ask for and may collect personal information such as your name, address, phone number and email address when you register for or attend a sponsored event or other events at which any member of the Zendesk Group participates, in order to facilitate your registration or attendance at an event, including sending related communications to you.


When you download and use our Services, we automatically collect information on the type of device you use, and the operating system version, to perform our Service Agreement with you.


Cookie 和其他追蹤技術:

We and our authorized partners may use cookies and other information gathering technologies for a variety of purposes. These technologies may provide us with personal information, information about devices and networks you utilize to access our Websites, and other information regarding your interactions with our Websites. For detailed information about the use of cookies on our Websites and how to manage your cookie settings, please read and review our Cookie Policy found here.

我們可能會在我們的網站上或在我們傳送給您的電子郵件或其他電子通訊中使用網路信標、標記和指令碼。這些有助於我們傳遞 cookie,計算對我們網站的造訪次數,了解使用情況和活動效果,並確定電子郵件是否打開並對其採取了行動。我們可能會基於我們第三方服務提供者對這些技術的使用而收到單獨或匯總的報告。

我們使用 HTML5 和本機共用物件(「LSO」,也稱為 Flash cookie)之類的本機儲存體來儲存內容資訊和喜好設定。各種瀏覽器可能會提供其自己用於移除 HTML5 的管理工具。我們與之合作以在我們網站上提供某些功能或根據您的網路瀏覽活動顯示廣告的第三方使用 HTML5 和 Flash 來收集和儲存資訊。有關如何管理 Flash cookie 的更多資訊,請按一下這裡

我們與第三方合作以在網站上顯示廣告或在其他網站上管理我們的廣告。我們的第三方合作夥伴也可能使用 cookie、網路信標、標記、Flash、HTML5、指令碼或其他追蹤技術等技術來收集有關您在我們網站和其他網站上的活動資訊,以便根據您的瀏覽活動和興趣推薦廣告。如果您不希望將這些資訊用於為您投放針對使用者興趣的廣告,則可按一下這裡這裡選擇退出(或者,如果您在歐盟,可按一下這裡選擇使用 cookie)。請注意,這不會讓您退出投放的廣告,而且您將繼續收到不帶針對性的通用廣告。


As is true with most websites and services delivered over the Internet, we gather certain information and store it in log files when you interact with our Websites and Services. This information includes internet protocol (IP) addresses as well as browser type, internet service provider, URLs of referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, information you search for, locale and language preferences, identification numbers associated with your devices, your mobile carrier, and system configuration information. Occasionally, we connect personal information to information gathered in our log files as necessary to improve our Websites and Services. In such a case, we would treat the combined information in accordance with this Policy.


當您使用網站幫助我們改進時,我們會收集分析資訊,包括使用 cookie。我們還可能與第三方分析服務提供者共享有關您在我們網站上行為的匯總和/或匿名資料。我們還使用行動分析軟體以​​使我們能夠更好地了解您行動裝置上服務行動版本的功能。這種軟體可能會記錄各種資訊,例如,您使用應用程式的頻率,應用程式內發生的事件,匯總的使用情況,性能資料及下載應用程式之處。我們不會將分析軟體中儲存的資訊連到您在行動應用程式中提交的任何個人可識別資訊。



網站包括社交媒體功能(如 Facebook 的「贊 (Like)」按鈕)和小工具(如「共享這個 (Share This)」按鈕)或在我們網站上運行的互動式小程式。這些功能可能會收集您的網際網路通訊協定位址,檢測您在我們的網站上造訪哪個頁面,並設定一個 cookie 使得該功能能夠正常工作。社交媒體功能和小工具可能由第三方託管,也可能直接在網站上託管。您與這些功能的互動受提供這些功能的公司的隱私權聲明約束。


We may also obtain other information, including personal information, from third parties and combine that with information we collect through our Websites. For example, we may have access to certain information from a third party social media or authentication service if you log into our Services through such a service or otherwise provide us with access to information from the service. Any access that we may have to such information from a third party social media or authentication service is in accordance with the authorization procedures determined by that service. If you authorize us to connect with a third party service, we will access and store your name, email address(es), current city, profile picture URL, and any other personal information that the third party service makes available to us, and use and disclose it in accordance with this Policy. You should check your privacy settings on these third party services to understand and change the information sent to us through these services. For example, you may choose to log in to the Services using single sign-in services such as Facebook Connect or an Open ID provider.

These single sign-on services will authenticate your identity, provide you with the option to share certain personal information (such as your name and email address) with us, and pre-populate our sign-up form. Services like Facebook Connect give you the option to post information about your activities in the Services to your profile page to share with others within your network.



We may use the information we collect about you (including personal information, to the extent applicable) in order to perform our obligations under our Service Agreement with you and on the basis of our legitimate interest including to (a) provide, operate, maintain, improve, and promote the Websites and the Services; (b) enable you to access and use the Websites and the Services; (c) process and complete transactions, and send you related information, including purchase confirmations and invoices; (d) send transactional messages, including responses to your comments, questions, and requests; provide customer service and support; and send you technical notices, updates, security alerts, and support and administrative messages; (e) send promotional communications, such as providing you with information about products and services, features, surveys, newsletters, offers, promotions, contests, and events; and provide other news or information about us and our partners (you can opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us by going to https://go.zendesk.com/unsubemail and providing the names/email address(es) that you would like removed from our marketing databases and added to our ‘Do Not Contact’ list” or following the unsubscribe instructions included in our marketing communications); (f) process and deliver contest or sweepstakes entries and rewards; (g) monitor and analyze trends, usage, and activities in connection with the Websites and Services and for marketing or advertising purposes; (h) investigate and prevent fraudulent transactions, unauthorized access to the Websites and the Services, and other illegal activities; (i) personalize the Websites and Services, including by providing features or advertisements that match your interests and preferences; and (j) for other purposes for which we obtain your consent.


If you are a visitor from the European Economic Area (“EEA”), our legal basis for collecting and using the personal information described above will depend on the personal information concerned and the specific context in which we collect it.

However, we will normally collect personal information from you only where we need the personal information to perform a contract with you (e.g. to provide you with our Services), where the processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms, or where we have your consent. In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation to collect personal information from you.

If we ask you to provide personal information to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contract with you, we will make this clear at the relevant time and advise you whether the provision of your personal information is mandatory or not (as well as of the possible consequences if you do not provide your personal information).

Similarly, if we collect and use your personal information in reliance on our legitimate interests (or those of any third party), we will make clear to you at the relevant time why we need to use your personal information. If we process personal information in reliance on your consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time.

If you have questions about, or need further information concerning, the legal basis on which we collect and use your personal information, please contact us using the contact details provided under the “Contact Us” section below.



We share information, including personal information, with our third-party service providers that we use to provide hosting for and maintenance of our Websites, application development, backup, storage, payment processing, analytics and other services for us. These third-party service providers may have access to or process your personal information for the purpose of providing these services for us. We do not permit our third-party service providers to use the personal information that we share with them for their marketing purposes or for any other purpose than in connection with the services they provide to us.


We may collect, and we may engage third-party analytics providers to collect, metrics and information regarding your use of the Service, including evaluating how Agents and End-Users use the Service (“Usage Data”), to develop new features, improve existing features or inform sales and marketing strategies, based on our legitimate interest to improve the Services. When we process Usage Data, any personal information shall be anonymized. Any such third-party analytics providers will not share or otherwise disclose Usage Data, although we may make Usage Data publicly available from time to time.


In certain situations, we may be required to disclose personal information in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements. We may disclose personal information to respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims. We may also share such information if we believe it is necessary in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of our Service Agreement, or as otherwise required by law.


From time to time, we may post testimonials on the Websites that may contain personal information. We always obtain your consent to post your name along with your testimonial. If you wish to update or delete your testimonial, you can contact us at privacy@zendesk.com.


如果您選擇使用我們的推薦服務向朋友介紹我們的產品和服務,我們會要求您提供您朋友的姓名和電子郵件地址。您必須能合理地認為您的朋友不會反對我們與其聯絡,方可提供其姓名和電子郵件地址。如果您提供其資訊,我們會自動向您的朋友傳送一封電子郵件,邀請其造訪網站,並將儲存此資訊以傳送此初始電子郵件及追蹤我們推薦計畫和其他行銷活動的成功。如果您的被推薦人想要求我們從資料庫中刪除其資訊,可電郵 privacy@zendesk.com 與我們聯絡。


The Websites may offer publicly accessible blogs, community forums, comments sections, discussion forums, or other interactive features (“Interactive Areas”). You should be aware that any information that you post in an Interactive Area might be read, collected, and used by others who access it. To request removal of your personal information from an Interactive Area, contact us at privacy@zendesk.com. In some cases, we may not be able to remove your personal information, in which case we will let you know if we are unable to do so and why.

Zendesk 群組共享:

We may share information, including personal information, with any member of the Zendesk Group, and they will use that information only for the purposes already described in this Policy.


We may share information, including personal information, with our channel partners, solely for the purpose of enabling our channel partners to notify you about our Services. Zendesk requires its channel partners to provide an opt-out option within its communications to you. By opting out, you are opting out of receiving future communication from our channel partner.


We may also share personal information with third parties when we have your consent to do so.

8. International Transfer of Personal Information

We do not share your personal information with third parties, unless it is necessary to carry out your request, for our professional or legitimate business needs, or as required or permitted by law. Where we do transfer your personal information to third parties or service providers, appropriate arrangements will be made in order to ensure correct and secure data processing in compliance with applicable data protection law.

We store personal information about Website Visitors and Subscribers within the EEA, the United States and in other countries and territories. To facilitate our global operations, we may transfer and access such personal information from around the world, including from other countries in which the Zendesk Group has operations. Therefore, your personal information may be processed outside of the EEA and in countries which are not subject to an adequacy decision by the European Commission and which may not provide for the same level of data protection as the EEA.

In this event, we will ensure that the recipient of your personal information offers an adequate level of protection, for instance by entering into standard contractual clauses for the transfer of data as approved by the European Commission (Art. 46 GDPR), or we will ask you for your prior consent to such international data transfers.

We have implemented safeguards to ensure an adequate level of data protection where your personal information is transferred to countries outside the EEA, such as:

(a) 接收者國家/地區已有歐盟執委會的適足性認定;

(b) the European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses for the transfer of personal information;

(c) Zendesk 制定了具有約束力的公司規則,以保證無論您在何處實際保存資料都能有足夠程度的資料保護;或

(d) Zendesk participates in and has certified its compliance with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework; however, we do not rely on the Privacy Shield as a lawful mechanism to transfer personal information from the EU, United Kingdom, or Switzerland. Where the recipient is located in the United States, it may be a certified participant of the EU-US Privacy Shield or Swiss Privacy Shield Framework;

You can obtain more details of the protection given to your personal information when it is transferred outside Europe (including a sample copy of the model contractual clauses) by contacting us using the details set out at Clause 15 below.


We have adopted Binding Corporate Rules that have been authorised by the EU data protection authorities, and which enable us to transfer personal information lawfully from EEA member states to other Zendesk Group companies around the world. More information on (including a copy of) our Binding Corporate Rules is available here, and evidence of our Binding Corporate Rules approval is available on the European Commission’s website here.


Zendesk abides by and has certified adherence to the principles of the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield frameworks as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce; however, we do not rely on the Privacy Shield as a lawful mechanism to transfer personal information from the EU, United Kingdom, or Switzerland. For more information on the Privacy Shield frameworks, and to view the scope of Zendesk’s certification, please visit https://www.privacyshield.gov/list. Under certain conditions, more fully described on the Privacy Shield website, you may be entitled to invoke binding arbitration when other dispute resolution procedures have been exhausted. For residual Privacy Shield disputes that cannot be resolved by the methods above, you may be able to invoke a binding arbitration process under certain conditions. To find out more about the Privacy Shield’s binding arbitration scheme, please see: https://www.privacyshield.gov/article?id=ANNEX-I-introduction
The Federal Trade Commission has investigation and enforcement authority over our compliance with the Privacy Shield.
If we have received your personal information under the Privacy Shield and subsequently transfer it to a third party service provider for processing, we will remain responsible if they process your personal information in a manner inconsistent with the Privacy Shield Principles, unless we prove that we are not responsible for the event giving rise to the damage.



Our Services are intended for use by enterprises. Where our Services are made available to you through a Subscriber of ours, that enterprise is the data controller of your personal information. Your data privacy questions and requests should initially be submitted to the Zendesk Subscriber in its capacity as your data controller. Zendesk is not responsible for our Subscribers’ privacy or security practices which may be different than this Policy.

Zendesk 的訂用者能夠:

  • 限制、暫停或終止您對服務的存取;

  • access and describe your personal information that you provided to them;

  • access and export your personal information processed by them; and

  • amend your personal information, including your end-user profile.


Where Zendesk is the data controller of personal information (for example, personal information relating to Website Visitors, Attendees and individuals who register to use our Services), then we retain the personal information we collect where we have an ongoing legitimate business need to do so (for example, to provide you with our Services, to enable your participation in an event, and to comply with applicable legal, tax or accounting requirements).

When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your personal information, we will either delete or aggregate it or, if this is not possible (for example, because your personal information has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your personal information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible.

If your personal information is processed within a Subscriber’s Service Data, we will process the personal information for as long as we are instructed to do so by the relevant Subscriber that is the data controller of the Subscriber Service Data.


You have certain choices available to you when it comes to your personal information. Below is a summary of those choices, how to exercise them and any limitations.


An individual who seeks to exercise their data protection rights in respect of personal information stored or processed by us on behalf of a Subscriber of ours within the Subscriber’s Service Data (including to seek access to, or to correct, amend, delete, port or restrict processing of such personal information) should direct his/her query to our Subscriber (the data controller). Upon receipt of a request from one of our Subscribers for us to remove the personal information, we will respond to their request within thirty (30) days. We will retain personal information that we process and store on behalf of our Subscribers for as long as needed to provide the Services to our Subscribers.


Our Services and related documentation on our Privacy and Data Protection site give Agents and End-Users the ability to access, update and delete certain personal information from within the Service. For example, you can access your Agent or End-User profile and make updates to your personal information. In cases where we act as the data controller of your personal information, we will provide you with information about whether we hold any of your personal information upon request. We will respond to such requests within a reasonable timeframe. Please note, however, that we may need to retain certain information for record keeping purposes, to complete transactions or to comply with our legal obligations.


如果您不再希望使用我們的服務,Zendesk 的訂用者可能可以停用您的終端使用者帳戶。首先,請就您的要求與 Zendesk 訂用者聯絡。如果您是 Zendesk 訂用者且無法透過管理員設定停用終端使用者帳戶,請電郵 support@zendesk.com。請注意,停用帳戶並不能刪除您的資訊,根據您過去參與服務的情況,其他服務使用者將仍可見到您的資訊。有關如何刪除您的資訊的更多資訊,請造訪我們的隱私權和資料保護網站


You may request that your personal information no longer be accessed, stored, used and otherwise processed where you believe that a Zendesk Subscriber or Zendesk do not have the appropriate rights to do so. For example, if you believe a Services account was created for you without your permission or you are no longer an active user, you can request that we delete your account as provided in this Policy. Where you gave us consent to use your personal information for a limited purpose, you can contact us to withdraw that consent. You can also opt-out of our use of your personal information for marketing purposes by contacting us, as provided below. When you make such requests, we may need time to investigate and facilitate your request. Please note that an End-User of a Zendesk Subscriber should first contact Zendesk’s Subscriber with a request to stop access, storage, use of personal information. If there is delay or dispute as to whether we have the right to continue using your personal information, we will restrict any further use of your personal information until the request is honored or the dispute is resolved, provided the Zendesk Subscriber does not object (where applicable).


如您提供了個人聯絡資訊,我們會提供一種選擇方法,讓您告訴我們應如何使用所提供的資訊。欲管理行銷和非交易通訊,可以按一下行銷電子郵件底部的「退訂」連結,也可以將要求傳送至 privacy@zendesk.com。您可以使用每封電子郵件中的這個退訂連結來選擇退出接收我們的促銷性通訊。如果您是代理人,即使選擇退出接收我們的促銷性資訊,您也將繼續收到有關我們服務的交易訊息。您可以在帳戶設定中選擇退出某些通知訊息。


如果您希望行使當地資料保護法律賦予您的任何其他資料保護權利(例如,資料可攜性或資料限制權),請將您的要求傳送到 privacy@zendesk.com,我們將根據適用的資料保護法律回應您的要求。


11. Children’s Personal Information

We do not knowingly collect any personal information from children under the age of 16. If you are under the age of 16, please do not submit any personal information through our Websites or Services. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children’s Internet usage and to help enforce this Policy by instructing their children never to provide personal information through the Websites or Services without their permission. If you have reason to believe that a child under the age of 16 has provided personal information to us through the Websites or Services, please contact us at privacy@zendesk.com, and we will use commercially reasonable efforts to delete that information.


We may assign or transfer this Policy, as well as your account and related information and data, including any personal information, to any person or entity that acquires all or substantially all of our business, stock or assets, or with whom we merge. If we do, we will inform them of the requirement to handle your personal information in accordance with this Policy.



If you are a Subscriber to our Services, you agree that you are responsible for notifying your customers using our Services about how the Zendesk Group may use your customers’ personal information as described in this Policy and for obtaining prior consent from your customers to disclose their personal information to us.


Personal information collected, stored, used and/or processed by the Zendesk Group, as described in this Policy, is collected, stored, used and/or processed in accordance with Brazilian Law No. 12,965/2014. Those individuals who use or access our Website or Services expressly consent to the collection, use, storage and processing of their personal information by us for the purposes described in this Policy.


Personal information collected, stored, used and/or processed by the Zendesk Group, as described in this Policy, is collected, stored, used and/or processed in compliance with the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and the Australia Privacy Principles as we further detail here.

If you are dissatisfied with our handling of a complaint or do not agree with the resolution proposed by us, you may make a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (“OAIC”) by contacting the OAIC using the methods listed on their website at http://www.oaic.gov.au. Alternatively, you may request that we pass on the details of your complaint to the OAIC directly.


Personal information collected, stored, used and/or processed by the Zendesk Group, as described in this Policy, is collected, stored, used and/or processed in compliance with New Zealand’s Privacy Act 1993 and its 12 Information Privacy Principles (“NZ IPPs”) as we further detail here.


Personal information collected, stored, used and/or processed by the Zendesk Group, as described in this Policy, is collected, stored, used and/or processed in compliance with the Zendesk Group’s obligations under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 of Singapore (“PDPA”) as we further detail here.


Personal information (as the term is defined in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act of Canada (“PIPEDA”)) will be collected, stored, used and/or processed by the Zendesk Group in compliance with the Zendesk Group’s obligations under PIPEDA.

Zendesk 針對加州居民的補充隱私權政策:

The California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), which is effective as of January 1, 2020, regulates how we handle personal information of California residents and gives California residents certain rights with respect to their personal information.

根據《加州消費者隱私權法》的規定,Zendesk 既是「企業」也是「服務提供者」。以下補充性隱私權政策適用於我們作為企業(即我們與您直接互動時)所收集的資訊。

When we act as a service provider (for example, by providing our services to another company that you interact with), we follow the instructions of the business that engaged us with respect to how we process your personal information. If you would like more information about how your personal information is processed by other companies, including companies that engage us as a service provider, please contact those companies directly.

本補充隱私權政策自 2020 年 1 月 1日起生效,僅適用於加州居民,且可能隨時變更。只要您是加州居民,一般隱私權政策就應繼續適用。如果您是加州居民,我們必須以某種格式揭露某些用途和資訊,並將您可能擁有的某些權利告知您。本補充隱私權政策中使用的任何大寫術語都應具有與一般隱私權政策中相同的含義。



  • 身份標識資訊

  • 人口統計資訊

  • 商業資訊

  • 網際網路或其他電子網路活動資訊

  • 地理位置資料

  • 音訊、電子、視覺或類似資訊

  • 專業或就業相關資訊

For each category of information, we collect the information from a variety of sources, including directly from you, from your devices, from your social media profiles, and/or from third party providers. We collect the information to provide you with services, protect our customers and ourselves (including the services), and to improve the services. We do not share personal information with Third Parties as the term is defined under the CCPA.


We do not sell personal information of any individual, including personal information of minors under 16 years of age.

We have disclosed the following categories of personal information for a business purpose in the 12 months prior to this Policy’s last update.

  • 身份標識資訊

  • 人口統計資訊

  • 商業資訊

  • 網際網路或其他電子網路活動資訊

  • 地理位置資料

  • 音訊、電子、視覺或類似資訊

  • 專業或就業相關資訊

  • 從以上任何資訊得出的推論。

We have not disclosed any personal information for valuable consideration in the 12 months prior to this Policy’s last update.


You may have certain rights with respect to your personal information, including:

  • The right to access, including the right to know the categories and specific pieces of personal information we collect;

  • The right to deletion of your personal information, subject to certain limitations under applicable law;

  • 要求揭露已收集資訊的權利;

  • 公開為獲得充分對價而揭露資訊的權利;而且

  • 根據加州法律行使某些權利時不受歧視的權利。

To exercise these rights, please submit a request by emailing privacy@zendesk.com. Please be as specific as possible in relation to the personal information you wish to access. Once we receive your request, we will review it, determine whether we can verify your identity, and process the request accordingly. If we need additional information to verify your identity, we will let you know. We will respond to your request within 45 days of receipt, or notify you if we require additional time.



如果您對本政策或 Zendesk 集團的隱私權實務有疑問,請與我們聯絡,電子郵件:privacy@zendesk.com 或網站:

Zendesk, Inc.
Attn: Hasani Caraway, General Counsel & Chief Privacy Officer
1019 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94103, United States





15. 聯絡我們

如果您對本政策或 Zendesk 集團的隱私權實務有疑問或投訴,請與我們聯絡,電子郵件:privacy@zendesk.com 或網站:

Zendesk’s United States Representative:
Zendesk, Inc.
Attn: Hasani Caraway, General Counsel & Chief Privacy Officer
1019 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94103, United States

Zendesk 的全球隱私權法律顧問:
Rachel Tobin, AGC, EMEA & Global Privacy Counsel, Zendesk International Ltd.
55 Charlemont Place, Saint Kevin’s, Dublin, D02 F985 Ireland


16。 英文版本控制
