
Pop-up notification feed for ticket events inside the agent interface

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Free 14-day trial, then $2.00 per agent, per month

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5 條評論
Rita Isabel Soares
over 3 years ago

We love the app but is there a way to only receive the notifications controled by our own triggers? We are noticing that every time I update something in the Zendesk platform, I receive a notification. In this case, since I'm the one who have made the changes it is a little bit redundant to receive a notification. Thanks for your help!

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Response from developer
over 2 years ago

Hi Rita, thanks for sharing. Other than broadcasts, notifications are all sent using your Zendesk triggers. However, note that the people that receive them can be set within each notification template. So, it sounds like with a tweak, you’ll be able to avoid the unwanted popups. Be sure to email us at if you’re still needing a hand with this.

Sherif El Messiri
over 3 years ago

This app is an essential tool for Zendesk. The functionality should have been included with Zendesk out of box!! Thanks SweetHawk for plugging the gap!

over 4 years ago

Invaluable for customer service!!!!

over 4 years ago

Covering all missing functionalities in Zendesk. Much needed application due to Zendesk inbuilt dashboard not much helpful around ticket movements. We are satisfied with current performance with this application!!

Jim Bob
over 4 years ago

Why is this not built-in functionality?? we love it though

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